Maxim Fadeev
5 min readFeb 3, 2021

Jack Lee

Jack Lee was a great fighter, and he won a lot of kickboxing competitions. He had a lot of belts.

I wanna talk about this great fighter.

He was born in New York, USA, November, 17, 1987. He had started to do kickboxing from a 7 age. On a present day he is a great champion by this sport.

He always gets up at 5 o’clock to do exercises and training all day. After exercises, he always goes to the power gym house and pumps.

He has never been married and with girls he always shy. He is a famous guy, he talked with pleasure with paparazzi, he had never talked about his personal life.

And once he met a very beautiful girl. She was very charming, she had a very beautiful legs and body. Her eyes were a blue color, her hair was blond and very long.

He fell in love with her from first sight. But he was too shy, but he was able to walk up to her and speak.

Our hero met a very beautiful girl in the movie - theater, her seat was next to him.
He has come to watch a very interesting action movie, where played his favorite actor Jackie Chan, the movie was called Shanghai Knights.
When the movie was over, he decided to introduce himself to her.
Excuse me miss, my name is Jack, and I’m a kick boxer, and I’m from New York, can I ask you, what is your name?
The young girl turn and look on the guy which asked her name. The young girl was very beautiful, she was a blond and slim, she was very tall, she was very charming and pretty.
The girl answered him:
-My name is Sarah, Sarah Wright I’m a model, and I’m twenty-six years old. I’m from the USA, California.
- Pleased to meet Sarah.
- How I understand you like action movies isn’t it?
- Yep, I very like watch movies with Jackie Chan he is my favorite actor.
- Me too. What movies have you watched with Jackie Chan?
- I had watched police stories all the parts, Tuxedo, Armour of God and many others.
- These are my favorite movies too.
And they went down to the street, and they talked about many things.
The End of part 1.

Part 2

Jack and Sarah met on the next day after their jobs. They decided don’t go to the movie - theater today, they go for a walk by the bank of the ocean.
It was morning, and they just walk by the bank of the beach.
- How did you spend your day after our date? - asked Jack
- I had spent my day to think about you, because I liked you and I decided to meet with you one more time. - answered Sarah.
They move along the beach and Sarah noticed a light flash in front of her. But she decided don’t go there. And they continue to move along the beach.
- What was that, - asked Sarah, I don’t know, and I don’t wanna know what it was.
- I agree with you Sarah, let’s go from here.
After walking Sarah decided to invite Jack to her apartment. They have dinner and after dinner Jack wanted back to his apartment.
- Sorry Sarah, I have to go. I need to get up early on the training. See you next time. - said Jack.
- OK Jack, see you on the next weekends, because I will busy. Bye.
- Bye. - said Sarah.

On the next week on Saturday they must be to meet again. Time comes up and Jack calls to Sarah and ask her out on the date at the theater where will the famous performers Cinderella. He hasn’t bought tickets yet, and he decided to call her girlfriend and ask her out at this performance.

-Hi honey this is a Jack. I’d like to buy tickets on performance Cinderella and I wanna invite you to come with me at this performance. What do you think about that?

-Hi Jack I’d love to come with you at this performance because I very like theater and I very like a Cinderella.

-OK. I will buy tickets at this performance we meet at 5.30pm at the theater, because the performance will start at 6.30 pm.

-OK Jack I will at the theater at 5.30 p.m.

It was Saturday. And Sarah put on her best dress, the dress was very beautiful, the dress was a red color with short sleeves and the dress stressed her gorgeous figure.

Jack put on his best tuxedo, best shirt and shoes. They have met downstairs in the lobby. The Check-taker checked their tickets, and they have gone to the performance.

The performance has continued about two hours and when the performance was over our heroes went outside, and they have come back at home. Sarah has tried again to invite Jack and on this time he accepted her invitation.

The end of part two

Part three

Jack was not a long time in a Sarah’s apartment they just drank a cup of coffee and watched a very interesting movie, it was a comedy, the movie was called Friends, a famous movie in the USA.

After a movie Jack has come back at home. And he always thought about this day. And he wanted to ask Sarah out one more.

The Next day was a good, Jack has come to the Gym, and he was about three hours there. After gym Jack thought that he must find a job for himself. And next morning he will come to seek a good job. He has planned to find a job as a trainer in Power Gym house, or maybe he could be a good boxing trainer. He chose last, and he came in boxing schools and one of the schools he liked and trainer asked our hero what did he want and our hero answered that he was a boxer in a past, and he would like to be a trainer in this school.

The School had the name of a Kell Lee Boxing School.

In this school were trained many famous boxers: Kell Lee, Jack Smith, Stacy Chan, Bolo Chan and many others boxers.

Manager was asked Jack:

-What is your name buddy?

-Jack Lee, answered Jack.

-You are a famous Jack Lee?!, a world champion, aren’t you?

-Yes I am. Answerd Jack.

-You are in, you can start your job from tomorrow morning.

-OK, what time can I go tomorrow?

-At 6.30 a.m. After your job, you must come to my office and put your signature on CV.

-OK, I’ll do. Goodbye. See you tomorrow.

On the next day Jack Lee has come to the new job. He has started his work at 6.00 a.m. He has taken new students, and he started to training them.
The students were very good and our hero was proud of them, he has finished his job and has come back to home.
After his job Jack decided to call to Sarah and invite her in the Café.
Jack and Sarah have met the evening and has gone to the Café. They have ordered many good food and drinks. After that when they finished their dinner they have come to the apartments of Sarah.
Jack decided to married on Sarah, and soon they have played wedding.
The End.

Maxim Fadeev

I’m Maxim Fadeev the traveler, Maxim Lee my pseudonym. I like to travel in different countries, to study different cultures and history